My story with Adobe

Like most millennial creatives, my story with Adobe started in the early 2000s. I was an arty kid, really into drawing but mostly into collages. My bedroom walls were covered in scraps that I collected from magazines, papers, flyers that I assembled together in big wall compositions. This was an escape and one of my favourite things to do. 

When I first used photoshop, it genuinely blew my mind. The ease of creating the compositions I so loved was revolutionary and I became addicted.

The thrill of mastering that tool, which gave me the ability to create things that were out of my reach on physical level, encouraged me to expand into trying other Adobe products such as Illustrator and InDesign. 

I could go on about the variety and feelings that using Adobe products on a daily basis brings me, but I don't want to bore you anymore.

I'm an Adobe Affiliate now, so please click here if you’d like to go and trial their products.


Mood boards and the branding process


Resources: best free stock libraries